2009年12月3日 星期四


2009 International Conference on Design Education and Design Practice


1. 國際設計論壇:98年12月3日~ 98年12月4日
2. 台灣室內設計大獎展:98年12月3日~ 98年12月13日
3. 設計教學成果展:98年12月3日~ 98年12月13日

1. 國際設計論壇:國立臺中技術學院國際會議廳
2. 台灣室內設計大獎展:國立臺中技術學院中商大樓文化展演廳
3. 設計教學成果展:國立臺中技術學院中商大樓二樓展廳與昌明樓(設計學群各系展示空間)

1.國際設計論壇International Design Forum
(1)設計教育與實務(一):TID Award設計論壇與教育省思
演講者:Mark Lintott (英國)、莊豐賓
論壇與談人:莊修田、黎淑婷、Mark Lintott (英國)、莊豐賓
演講者:Bruce Voyce、Robert Turriff、Tom McKinnon (加拿大)
論壇與談人:林崇宏、Bruce Voyce、Robert Turriff、Tom McKinnon
演講者:胡寶林、Nyuk Hien Wong (新加坡)
論壇與談人:盧錦融、阮漢城、胡寶林、Nyuk Hien Wong
2.台灣室內設計大獎展Taiwan Interior Design Award
3.設計教學成果展Design Exhibition

2009 International Conference on Design Education and Design Practice
English Version
Through observing national and international design education, design practice and successful case studies, we hope to reenergize our design education with dynamic interaction with the official, industrial and academic fields. By providing the industrial circles and the academic circles with more attention and knowledge over design education and design practices, we hope to advance the developments of the whole design industry.

Important Dates:
International Design Forum: December 3, 2009 ~ December 4, 2009
Taiwan Interior Design Award: December 3, 2009 ~ December 13, 2009
Design Exhibition: December 3, 2009 ~ December 13, 2009

Conference Sites:
1.International Design Forum: International Conference Hall of National Taichung Institute of Technology
2.Taiwan Interior Design Award: Culture Exhibition Hall of Jung-Shang building in National Taichung Institute of Technology
3.Design Exhibition: The second floor of Jung-Shang building and Chang-Ming building in National Taichung Institute of Technology

Issues and Contents:
1.International Design Forum:
(1)TID Award Design Forum and Reflection on Design Education.
Keynote speakers: Mark Lintott, Feng-Pin Chuang
Forum host: Cheng-Chung Yao
Co-forum speakers: Hsiu-Tien Chuang, Hsu-Ting Li, Mark Lintott, Feng-Pin Chuang
(2)The trend of living culture and the origins of developments of art
Keynote speakers: Bruce Voyce, Robert Turriff, Tom McKinnon
Forum host: Jen-Kuan Yao,
Co-forum speakers: Chung-Hung Lin, Bruce Voyce, Robert Turriff, Tom McKinnon
(3)Interior Design Education based on Sustainability and Healthy Environment
Keynote speakers: Pao-Lin Hu, Nyuk Hien Wong (Singaporean)
Forum host: Shang-Chia Chiu
Co-forum speakers: Chin-Jung Lu, Han-Cheng Juan, Pao-Lin Hu, Nyuk Hien Wong
2.Taiwan Interior Design Award
3.Design Exhibition
The Exhibition of Teaching Achievements in the Departments of Interior Design, Commercial Design, and Multimedia Design

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